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A huge congratulations and thanks to the 13 students who participated in the competition on Sunday 17th September 2023 in Northampton. Obviously as I was officiating, I did not get to see you all compete and I have been informed by the organiser that there will be no published list of medal recipients so I am relying on information I have received. Should you know anymore, please let me know.
Emily Heaney - GOLD in Kumite
Michelle Payne
River Redman - BRONZE in Kata; BRONZE in Kumite
Lara Jones - SILVER in Kata; BRONZE in Kumite
Emily Hannon - SILVER in Kumite
Lily Sexton - BRONZE in Kata; BRONZE in Kumite
Yaniv Kader
Daniel Agbenu - BRONZE in Kata
Diana Agbenu - SILVER in Kumite
Jack Francis
Ben Wheeler - through to the finals
Michael Adekoya
Praise Adekoya - SILVER in Kumite
This was a first for over half of the squad that attended and I am very proud of them for making that commitment.
TSKC Grading Success
4th December 2022
With the pandemic in our past but not forgetting that the threat of Corona virus is still very real, students from the club went to the JKA England Winter international Course over the weekend of 2nd - 4th December 2022 where Ben Wheeler and Leon Haines were going to try and grade for 2nd DAN Nidan) and Lara Jones and Ayushi Garg were grading for 1st DAN (Shodan)
After a 3 hour training session followed by Lunch and then a further wait of nearly two hours whilst the grading for 3rd to 5th DAN took place - their grading began, however, it was still another hour or so before Lara and Ayushi had theirs as they were Kumite only and had to wait until the full gradings had taken place. Similarly for Leon and his grading which was after Ben had taken his grading, following the 1st DAN grading. Well it was worth the wait. Both Lara and Ayushi passed Shodan, Leon passed Nidan and Ben is kumite only next time. Congratulations to you all.
TSKC are always looking for new members to come and join our club whether you have experience in martial arts or not. If you are interested please contact us via our
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TSKC Grading in Bierton
25th June 2022
Heading back to some normality now. The number of students grading is increasing and long may that last.
The mid year grading at Bierton started with an hours class to run through the grading syllabus for the students grading.
It was good to see five students taking their first grading as much as it was to see two of the committed students finishing up their KYU grades. A huge congratulations to all students who took and passed their grading.
TSKC are always looking for new members to come and join our club whether you have experience in martial arts or not. If you are interested please contact us via our
Kyu Gradings & E S P
KYU Grading dates can be found on the Events section under Training.
KYU gradings are held at the Bierton Dojo 4 times a year, usually in the months of March; June; September and December. The gradings are held on Saturdays and comprise of pre-grading course with the Examiner.
Following the course will be the Kyu grading. This is also the time when any presentations are made to the students: DAN grade certificates; best student for each dojo since the last grading; plus other miscellaneous awards that may need awarding.
ESP: Is for students who have recently joined TSKC and are beginners - White Belts - who have either missed the previous regular grading or joined shortly afterwards, we have the ESP Grading (Orange stripey belt!). If you are a White belt you are able to attend an ESP (Extended Student Programme) grading, which are held at Bierton on various dates. This is the only Provisional Grade we have and enables new students to experience what is yet to come at a regular grading. It will provide you with the necessary confidence to take your first full grade in front of a visiting Examiner, familiarise yourself with what you have to do and where you have to go.
Lesson starts at 10am and the grading will follow. You will be required to submit a Grading Request Form which can be found on the website. Do not forget to bring your licence and grading fee on the day.
If you take an ESP grading, there are one of three levels you can pass: Gold, Silver and Bronze. The first will indicate to the next Examiner that you work extremely hard and there may be a possibility of double grading. You will be awarded an Orange belt with a White stripe. Silver and Bronze passes wear the same belt - a White belt with an Orange stripe. The former indicates that you have reached the required standard to take the next grade. A Bronze pass means that you haven't yet reached the required standard to take the next grade but in the coming weeks may do so. You may not be ready for the next grading.
What do I need to do before the Grading?
Now please read through this info and if you have any questions, refer to the FAQ section below first. If that doesn't give you the answer you can email TSKC to get your answer.
Approximately 1 -2 weeks before the grading is due, you will need to start preparing your paperwork. You will need to submit the following;
Grading Request Form
This is a very important form.
Complete the form ONLINE and send direct to me.
Online GRForm
Examples shown to the right - click pic to go to the Picture Gallery!
On the day of the Grading or anytime before, you will also need to:
Submit your current and valid JKA England Licence Book
Your licence must be current and in date. If it has expired, you will need to renew it ASAP with your club instructor. Take note: This process can take up to 10 working days to return! Submit in plenty of time.
Grading Fee
This can be submitted with cash; cheque; Bank transfer or TSKC Vouchers
What will happen in the Grading
Prior to the grading there is a lesson conducted by the Grading Examiner. This is approximately an hour long and the content is aimed at what to expect in the grading as well as some other fun stuff. Aspects of Kihon, Kata and Kumite are covered which tends to put the students at ease and get to know the Examiner. The course is FREE for those who grade and a nominal charge will be made to other karateka who wish to partake in the course only. It is an open course to all Shotokan practitioners.
The schedule for the grading starts with the lower grades being tested first. You will complete 3 sections: KIHON (basics); KATA and KUMITE (sparring). You will be called up in Grade, height and age order. At the end of your grading, you will be told if you have passed or not and what you need to work on for your next grading as well as any other important information relevant to you. There are several outcomes for your grading:
Double Grade. There is a possibility that you may double grade. This is not common and indeed, you need to have performed exceptionally well in order to be asked to do the next grading. Double grading stops at 8th Kyu (Red) to 6th Kyu (Green). There will be an extra cost to you of £10 should this happen.
Full Pass. Having passed your grading, on receiving your licence book back from the Grading Examiner, he / she will inform you what part of your karate needs work or indeed what they were impressed with. If your grading is considered as a border line pass then you may be told that you cannot grade for at least 6 months in order to get back up to full potential but you will still receive a full pass.
6 Months. The Grading Examiner feels that you need more training and has stated that you must wait 6 months before you grade again. This will be in addition to receiving a FULL pass and not a Temporary Pass.
Temporary Pass. You did not reach the required standard to pass as a full kyu grade. There may have been mistakes in your kata or kumite which needs to be worked on. You will, however, be permitted to wear the belt of the next rank but at your next grading, you WILL have to take this grading again to achieve a full pass. During the period of training leading up to your next grading, you will also be working on the syllabus for the grade of the belt you wear as well as the previous grade. Some time before the next regular grading, if you have been working hard and achieving a very good standard you may be invited to attend an intermediary grading to remove the Temporary pass and attend the following grading on a full pass. You must show that you have been committed to your training and demonstrate you are worth the full pass.
Unsuccessful. This is a rare commodity at TSKC I am pleased to say. Students who fall below the minimum requirement to receive a temporary pass will remain on the belt they started with. Naturally, detailed feedback will be given to the student to ensure that they are ready for the next grading.
Successful students (double grade / Full pass / Temporary pass) will receive their next belt immediately after their grading and be presented with a KYU Grading certificate in due course. Those students who were Temporary grade before the grading will get their grade confirmed. They have already received a belt and certificate for this grade but if they went on to take the next grade, will of course receive the belt and certificate of the new grade.