We were founded and established on 18th September 1999 by Sensei Lester Wellington and started out at our Bierton Dojo. Since then he has trained many students to attain their Black Belt and has had great success with a number of students being part of the JKA England Squad. Our Club Instructors are qualified and EKF approved, First Aid trained and have DBS enhanced certification. With six regular dojo's throughout Buckinghamshire and spilling into Oxfordshire in which you can train. We accept students of all ages from 7 years +, whether you are male or female; a complete novice or experienced karateka; Martial artist from another Association or style, you are welcome.
New Members Info
Ever tried karate?
Read on! Your first lesson is FREE! New students are welcome to join the club at anytime - we have a 'rolling' agenda.
We also ask that before you attend your first class, please take the time to fill in our registration form online. This will save time when you arrive at the dojo.
Private Lessons Are you behind on lessons? Do you need to attend more lessons to make your quota before the next grading? TSKC is offering you the chance to have private lessons individually or as small groups (no more than 4) to help you reach your quota. Each hourly lesson will count as 3 lessons towards your grading. Private lessons will enable you to improve your techniques and fine tune the details in your kata. For full details and more info contact Lester Wellington - Chief Instructor via email. Click here for email address.
Gradings 2025
The following dates for KYU Gradings have been booked and are due to take place as follows:
➣ Saturday, 15th March 2025 ➢ Saturday, 28th June 2025 ➣ Saturday, 20th September 2025 ➢ Saturday, 20th December 2025 ➣ Saturday, 16th March 2024 ➢ Saturday, 23rd June 2024 ➣ Saturday, 14th September 2024 ➢ Saturday, 14th December 2024
All Confirmed dates
Sensei Ohta awarded 8th Dan
16th February 2025
On 15th February 2025, JKA England Chief Instructor Ohta Sensei was awarded the senior rank of 8th Dan by the Japan Karate Association—a recognition of his lifelong dedication to JKA Karate.
Since 1982, Ohta Sensei has worked tirelessly to promote JKA Karate across the UK and Europe, first as assistant to Enoeda Keinosuke Sensei and, since 2003, as Chief Instructor of JKA England.
This achievement is truly well deserved, and we are incredibly proud!
Central & Northern Regional Championships
22nd February 2025
The Central and Northern Regional Championships have been brought forward this year and will now take place on Saturday, 22nd February 2025. The details for the competition have already been emailed to staudents, so if you haven't seen it in your inbox, please check your spam folder.
TSKC KYU Grading
14th December 2024
Congratulations to those students who participated in the grading today. It was nice to see all the students train hard and have a good attitude towards their grading.
At the K2 Leisure Centre in Crawley, the International JKA Winter Course got underway on Friday, 29th November 2024. An exhausting course spread over 3 days, culminating with a DAN grading on the Sunday.
Both Eleanor and Fionnhuala passed their grading to Shodan. The new format for the grading has gone down very well with those who graded.Is this the queue to get the other members of TSKC motivated to get their Black Belt?
DAN Grade Assessment Results
10th November 2024
Please find the results of Shodan and Nidan Assessments by typing the following into the browser bar of your Internet browser substituting XXXXX for the password you received from TSKC:
Central & Northern Regional Championships
29th September 2024
The Central and Northern Regional Championships took place today in Northampton. Twelve students attended to participate. They managed to bring back 14 medals. Congratulations to all that participated.
Lily Sexton - Silver: Kata
Jack FRANCIS - Gold: Kata; Silver: Kumite
Eleanor Stevens - Bronze: Kata; Gold: Kumite
Lara Jones - Silver: Kata; Bronze: Kumite
Riley Wells - Bronze: Kata; Bronze: Kumite
Flo Van Diem
River Redman
Yuliya Kharchenko - Silver: Kata; Silver: Kumite
Adriana Prostakova - Gold: Kumite
Daniel Agbenu - Fourth: Kata
Diana Agbenu - Bronze: Kata; Bronze: Kumite
Emily Hannon
Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures
TSKC @ The Spectrum Course
14th July 2024
Back at a venue JKA England used to frequent before moving to the K2 in Crawley. A great course and DAN Grading to follow. Well done to those TSKC Students who attended the course
Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures
TSKC KYU Grading
23rd June 2024
Congratulations to those students who participated in the grading today. It was nice to see all the students train hard and have a good attitude towards their grading.
Congratulations to those students who participated in the grading today. It was nice to see all the students train hard and have a good attitude towards their grading.
Arathrika Subahar - 1st Kyu
Diana Agbenu - 3rd Kyu
Joseph Wilson - 4th Kyu
Lily Sexton - 4th Kyu
Jack Francis - 5th Kyu
Jason Nguyen - 6th Kyu
Mason Vu - 6th Kyu
Alfie Whiting - 7th Kyu
Youseff Hsaini - 7th Kyu
Yuliya Kharchenko - 7th Kyu
Adriana Pros 8th Kyu (Double Grade)
Jake Marshall.- 8th Kyu
Olga Savina - 8th Kyu
Polina Ovchinnikova - 8th Kyu
Daria Ovchinnikova - 8th Kyu
Tomi Durojaiye - 9th Kyu
Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures
Central & Northern Competition - Report
17th September 2023
Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures
A huge congratulations and thanks to the 13 students who participated in the competition on Sunday 17th September 2023 in Northampton. Obviously as I was officiating, I did not get to see you all compete and I have been informed by the organiser that there will be no published list of medal recipients so I am relying on information I have received. Should you know anymore, please let me know.
Emily Heaney - GOLD in Kumite
Michelle Payne
River Redman - BRONZE in Kata; BRONZE in Kumite
Lara Jones - SILVER in Kata; BRONZE in Kumite
Emily Hannon - SILVER in Kumite
Lily Sexton - BRONZE in Kata; BRONZE in Kumite
Yaniv Kader
Daniel Agbenu - BRONZE in Kata
Diana Agbenu - SILVER in Kumite
Jack Francis
Ben Wheeler - through to the finals
Michael Adekoya
Praise Adekoya - SILVER in Kumite
This was a first for over half of the squad that attended and I am very proud of them for making that commitment.
Central & Northern Competition
17th September 2023
Good luck to those students attending the Central and Northern Region Competition on Sunday 17th September. A huge thank you to Graham, Leon and Aaron for volunteering as Club coaches and Officials for the day.
Don't be late!
Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures
TSKC KYU Grading
16th September 2023
Congratulations to those students who participated in the grading today. It was nice to see all the students train hard and have a good attitude towards their grading.
Taran Anand - 4th Kyu
Michael Adekoya - 4th Kyu
Praise Adekoya - 4th Kyu
Diana Agbenu - 5th Kyu
Joseph Wilson - 6th Kyu
Lily Sexton - 6th Kyu
Michaela Higham - 7th Kyu
Jack Francis - 7th Kyu
Mason Vu - 8th Kyu
Ira Burford - 8th Kyu
Jason Nguyen - 8th Kyu
Jake Marshall - 9th Kyu
TSKC KYU Grading
10th June 2023
Congratulations to those students who participated in the grading today. It was nice to see all the students train hard and have a good attitude towards their grading.
Rebecca Garnett - 3rd Kyu
Lexton Walmsley - 3rd Kyu
Kate Garnett - 4th Kyu
Taran Anand - 5th Kyu
Michael Adekoya - 5th Kyu
Praise Adekoya - 5th Kyu
Joseph Wilson - 7th Kyu
Lily Sexton - 7th Kyu
Mason Waddup - 8th Kyu
Yaniv Kader - 8th Kyu
Jack Francis - 8th Kyu (Double Grade)
Phoebe Duggan - 9th Kyu
Alfie Whiting - 9th Kyu
Ira Burford - 9th Kyu
Jason Nguyen - 9th Kyu
Mason Vu - 9th Kyu
Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures
Shodan Assessment
4th February 2023
The next Shodan Assessment will be held on the above date at the Bierton Sports Centre. This is for 1st KYU students who wish to take or re-take their Shodan Grading on Sunday 26th February 2023.
TSKC Grading Success
4th December 2022
With the pandemic in our past but not forgetting that the threat of Corona virus is still very real, students from the club went to the JKA England Winter international Course over the weekend of 2nd - 4th December 2022 where Ben Wheeler and Leon Haines were going to try and grade for 2nd DAN Nidan) and Lara Jones and Ayushi Garg were grading for 1st DAN (Shodan)
After a 3 hour training session followed by Lunch and then a further wait of nearly two hours whilst the grading for 3rd to 5th DAN took place - their grading began, however, it was still another hour or so before Lara and Ayushi had theirs as they were Kumite only and had to wait until the full gradings had taken place. Similarly for Leon and his grading which was after Ben had taken his grading, following the 1st DAN grading. Well it was worth the wait. Both Lara and Ayushi passed Shodan, Leon passed Nidan and Ben is kumite only next time. Congratulations to you all.
TSKC are always looking for new members to come and join our club whether you have experience in martial arts or not. If you are interested please contact us via our CONTACT page.
Click pic to go to the Gallery for more pictures
Next KYU Grading:
17th December 2022
The next Kyu grading will be held on the above date at the Bierton Sports Centre. The general class will commence at 10am and the Grading will follow. You must submit your Grading Request Form (GRF).
Please bring your licence with you on the day. Payment can be made either before via online banking or on the day (cash; cheque or credit / debit card).
TSKC Grading in Bierton
25th June 2022
Heading back to some normality now. The number of students grading is increasing and long may that last.
The mid year grading at Bierton started with an hours class to run through the grading syllabus for the students grading.
It was good to see five students taking their first grading as much as it was to see two of the committed students finishing up their KYU grades. A huge congratulations to all students who took and passed their grading.
TSKC are always looking for new members to come and join our club whether you have experience in martial arts or not. If you are interested please contact us via our CONTACT page.
This is for 1st KYU students who wish to take or re-take their Shodan Grading on Sunday 26th February 2023. Written exam followed by training and physical assessment.
Bierton Dojo
9am - 12pm
International Course & DAN Grading
26th February 2023
National courses are essential training for all students, particularly brown belts preparing to take their Shodan grade and black belts looking to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in technique and kata. These courses are for JKA England members only – please ensure your licence is in date before attending.
Kyu grades are very welcome at the course – we appreciate that the training can be demanding, so regular breaks will be taken and younger students may leave in the break if they wish. If you wish to take your DAN or KYU Grading, please contact Sensei Wellington for details
Shodan, Nidan & Sandan Grading – Please contact your chief instructor to ensure you have the correct paperwork and understand the costs for grading, registration (if you pass your grading) and black belt (if needed) (cash only on the day). Sandan candidates must have attended a full (3 days) of an international course in the last year. Everyone grading must pre-reregister by completing the google form registration and uploading their paperwork. Please contact technical@jka-england.org for more details.
Caroline Chisholm School, The Wooldale Centre for Learning, Wooldale Road, Wootton, Northampton, NN4 6TP
Saturday 10am - 1pm
Ohta Sensei, 7th Dan, JKA England Chief Instructor
Senior Instructors from the Technical Committee
All grades: £15
TSKC KYU Grading
17th December 2022
Last KYU Grading of the year.
Training will start at 10am sharp. The grading will follow. If you wish to participate in the grading please complete the Grading Request Form. (GRF). No GRF, No Grading! (Members Only!) JKA England members only. You can pay for training / Grading online before the day.
Bierton Sports Centre, Burcott Lane, Bierton Buckinghamshire HP22 5AS
A good effort for his first attempt at the TSKC Assessment written exam. Some errors due to getting the wrong kata count as well as not understanding what the question was actually asking for. Beside this an effort rewarded with a pass.
Daniel must try and use his hips a little bit more and concentrate on keeping his heels on the floor when moving. There are occasions when kicking, Daniel does forget to fully retract the kicking foot to the knee making the technique not only ineffective but lazy. A good example is when performing Keage. Regarding Yoko Geri Kekomi, Daniel leans back too far and this causes a balance problem and in practical terms, the kick is going forward but the body is moving in the opposite direction thereby causing a weak technique. Everything else was adequate.
Bassai Dai
During the Shuto Uke techniques, Daniel is 'flicking' the hand from the wrist rather than using the whole of the forearm from finger tips to elbow. On move #41 you are overturning. The right foot of the stance should be pointing in the opposite direction to where the front (right) foot will be pointing in move #42.
Tekki Shodan
On moves #15 and 29 the bent arm is too close to the body. When performing Kage tsuki (hook punch) properly, it should be impossible to do this.
Heian Nidan
Must bring all kicks back to the knee before completing that technique.
Daniel needs to step properly when getting the right distance. He drags his leg behind him like a sack of potatos!
When counter punching, you need to ensure you hit the target area.
Jiyuu kumite
Physical Assessment Overall Result:
Return to website
It's all in the details for Daniel. A bit more concentration on what he trying to achieve will help immensely. Need to see a little more controlled aggression, focus and Kime.
Grading date: 1st December 2024
Remember: When you get your Black belt, that's when your training starts!
A couple of errors made here brought Emily's score down, which she really should have got right. On the whole a good effort for her.
Performing Shuto Uke, Emily's hand is too high. Need to get a 90 degree angle between forearm and upper arm - bring elbow closer to the body. On Emily's Mawashi Geri, a little more twisting of the hips would improve this technique. Overall she needs to relax more.
Bassai Dai
On move #41 you are overturning. The right foot of the stance should be pointing in the opposite direction to where the front (right) foot will be pointing in move #42.
Tekki Shodan
A good kata.
Heian Nidan
A good kata.
Too heavy footed, use the ball of the foot first when stepping, RELAX!
Relax, use Kime at the right time.
Jiyuu kumite
Physical Assessment Overall Result:
Return to website
Regarding the written part of this exam, I have taken into account all that I know about her and as a written exam is not required for a Shodan grading with JKA, I believe the mark she attained is a good effort for her despite silly mistakes. I tell Emily constantly about relaxing more. This was evident during the assessment with her heavy breathing. Obviously the asthma doesn't help but relaxing more and not being constanlt stiff, will conserve her oxygen / blood levels.
Grading date: 1st December 2024
Remember: When you get your Black belt, that's when your training starts!
On #19 make sure the kick is downwards and not like a Yoko Kekomi.
Tekki Shodan
Good tempo and power. Breathing.
Heian Yondan
Jiyuu kumite
Good distance, focus and Kime.
Physical Assessment Overall Result:
Return to website
Keep up the good attitude. Remember to control your breathing. Don't rush anything and remember what needs to be slow and what needs to be fast. Good contrast.
Grading date: 1st December 2024
Remember: When you get your Black belt, that's when your training starts!
When performing moves #33, 35 and 37 you need to turn the rear foot more forwards, in the direction of the attack.
Tekki Shodan
Move #15 bring foot back to the knee. Don't rush.
Heian Yondan
Jiyuu kumite
Keep your guard up - you are leaving yourself wide open at times. Kiai on the attacks where you believe you will score if it's not blocked. Snap leg back if kicking.
Physical Assessment Overall Result:
Return to website
Control your breathing as you will never know when you will need that extra power. Stay focussed. Do not rush your basics or Kata. Remember there is a time restriction in Kumite. It could be 30 seconds or 3 minutes so control your breathing and make sure you let them see you can attack as well as defend and counter. Don't keep backing off.
Grading date: 1st December 2024
Remember: When you get your Black belt, that's when your training starts!
KYU Grading dates can be found on the Events section under Training.
KYU gradings are held at the Bierton Dojo 4 times a year, usually in the months of March; June; September and December. The gradings are held on Saturdays and comprise of pre-grading course with the Examiner.
Following the course will be the Kyu grading. This is also the time when any presentations are made to the students: DAN grade certificates; best student for each dojo since the last grading; plus other miscellaneous awards that may need awarding.
ESP: Is for students who have recently joined TSKC and are beginners - White Belts - who have either missed the previous regular grading or joined shortly afterwards, we have the ESP Grading (Orange stripey belt!). If you are a White belt you are able to attend an ESP (Extended Student Programme) grading, which are held at Bierton on various dates. This is the only Provisional Grade we have and enables new students to experience what is yet to come at a regular grading. It will provide you with the necessary confidence to take your first full grade in front of a visiting Examiner, familiarise yourself with what you have to do and where you have to go.
Lesson starts at 10am and the grading will follow. You will be required to submit a Grading Request Form which can be found on the website. Do not forget to bring your licence and grading fee on the day.
If you take an ESP grading, there are one of three levels you can pass: Gold, Silver and Bronze. The first will indicate to the next Examiner that you work extremely hard and there may be a possibility of double grading. You will be awarded an Orange belt with a White stripe. Silver and Bronze passes wear the same belt - a White belt with an Orange stripe. The former indicates that you have reached the required standard to take the next grade. A Bronze pass means that you haven't yet reached the required standard to take the next grade but in the coming weeks may do so. You may not be ready for the next grading.
What do I need to do before the Grading?
TRAIN HARD! Now please read through this info and if you have any questions, refer to the FAQ section below first. If that doesn't give you the answer you can email TSKC to get your answer.
Examples shown to the right - click pic to go to the Picture Gallery!
On the day of the Grading or anytime before, you will also need to:
Submit your current and valid JKA England Licence Book
Your licence must be current and in date. If it has expired, you will need to renew it ASAP with your club instructor. Take note: This process can take up to 10 working days to return! Submit in plenty of time.
Grading Fee
This can be submitted with cash; cheque; Bank transfer or TSKC Vouchers
What will happen in the Grading
Prior to the grading there is a lesson conducted by the Grading Examiner. This is approximately an hour long and the content is aimed at what to expect in the grading as well as some other fun stuff. Aspects of Kihon, Kata and Kumite are covered which tends to put the students at ease and get to know the Examiner. The course is FREE for those who grade and a nominal charge will be made to other karateka who wish to partake in the course only. It is an open course to all Shotokan practitioners.
The schedule for the grading starts with the lower grades being tested first. You will complete 3 sections: KIHON (basics); KATA and KUMITE (sparring). You will be called up in Grade, height and age order. At the end of your grading, you will be told if you have passed or not and what you need to work on for your next grading as well as any other important information relevant to you. There are several outcomes for your grading:
Double Grade. There is a possibility that you may double grade. This is not common and indeed, you need to have performed exceptionally well in order to be asked to do the next grading. Double grading stops at 8th Kyu (Red) to 6th Kyu (Green). There will be an extra cost to you of £10 should this happen.
Full Pass. Having passed your grading, on receiving your licence book back from the Grading Examiner, he / she will inform you what part of your karate needs work or indeed what they were impressed with. If your grading is considered as a border line pass then you may be told that you cannot grade for at least 6 months in order to get back up to full potential but you will still receive a full pass.
6 Months. The Grading Examiner feels that you need more training and has stated that you must wait 6 months before you grade again. This will be in addition to receiving a FULL pass and not a Temporary Pass.
Temporary Pass. You did not reach the required standard to pass as a full kyu grade. There may have been mistakes in your kata or kumite which needs to be worked on. You will, however, be permitted to wear the belt of the next rank but at your next grading, you WILL have to take this grading again to achieve a full pass. During the period of training leading up to your next grading, you will also be working on the syllabus for the grade of the belt you wear as well as the previous grade. Some time before the next regular grading, if you have been working hard and achieving a very good standard you may be invited to attend an intermediary grading to remove the Temporary pass and attend the following grading on a full pass. You must show that you have been committed to your training and demonstrate you are worth the full pass.
Unsuccessful. This is a rare commodity at TSKC I am pleased to say. Students who fall below the minimum requirement to receive a temporary pass will remain on the belt they started with. Naturally, detailed feedback will be given to the student to ensure that they are ready for the next grading.
Successful students (double grade / Full pass / Temporary pass) will receive their next belt immediately after their grading and be presented with a KYU Grading certificate in due course. Those students who were Temporary grade before the grading will get their grade confirmed. They have already received a belt and certificate for this grade but if they went on to take the next grade, will of course receive the belt and certificate of the new grade.
When do I qualify to grade?
In order to qualify to take a kyu grading, certain criteria should be met. Firstly, there is a minimum 3 month period and at least 20 lessons required between each grading. Both must be satisfied. This means that you will need to be training twice weekly to achieve this, especially from yellow belt upwards. A private lesson equates to 3 regular lessons. Shortfalls can be made up here. It is not easy to reach a good standard to grade after 3 months by training once a week. At least 3 days prior to the grading you must submit a Grading Request Form so that a decision can be made to see if you are up to the required standard to take your grading. Your Licence Book and grading fee should be handed in as soon as possible, if not, on the day but this does cause delays.
White 10th Kyu
Purple 5th Kyu
Orange 9th Kyu
Purple / White 4th Kyu
Red 8th Kyu
Brown 3rd Kyu
Yellow 7th Kyu
Brown 2nd Kyu
Green 6th Kyu
Brown 1st Kyu
Black 1st Dan
Karateka receiving a temporary grade must take the grading again next time although they can wear the belt of the next grade until then.
Browse the Frequently Asked Questions below and click for the answer.
The Kyu gradings are held at the Bierton dojo. Currently there a course, for all grades each followed by the grading. However, if the Bierton Dojo is not available to hold the grading, we will use another dojo i.e. Winslow or Medbourne for example.
You will need to submit a Grading Request Form at least 3 days before the grading date. This will enable belts to be purchased; courses to be organised and a review of the students to see if they have reached the required standard to grade. Failure to do so may mean that you do not get your belt on the day of the grading. Licence books and the grading fee can be submitted on the day of the grading or anytime before. If you do not have your licence; your licence has expired; you cannot pay the grading fee - you will not be able to grade. Please also note that you must also be a fully paid up member of TSKC.
Tell the Chief Instructor before the 3 day deadline or ASAP if after that deadline. After the deadline, an admin fee may have to be charged. Please speak to the Chief Instructor for details.
Basically, a request - from you - asking to take a grading. In most cases where you have attended the required amount of lessons or more AND waited the minimum amount of time between gradings (3 months), then you will be permitted to grade. However, there may be occasions where students, despite satisfying the prerequisites, may not be up to the standard expected and required for their grade and permission may not be given. This form also enable TSKC to arrange the pre-grading course(s) and purchase the required number of belts and certificates for the students.
Then it must be renewed! This usually takes up to 10 working days to receive back. Fortunately, at this time, TSKC is responsible for all of JKA England's licences so you will get yours back much quicker.
At your previous grading you didn't reach the required standard for a full pass but you are permitted to advance to the next grade. In the opinion of the Examiner, you need more training on your previous grade and must therefore re-take that grade again. At the next regular grading you will be required to retake your previous grading to show you have now reached the required standard.
You don't have to if you don't want to, that's your choice but it is recommended. Normally the Grading Examiner will run through exactly what he will be testing you on in your grading.
There is no additional charge for those grading. You may of course just wish to attend the training if you are not grading. This will cost between £8 - £10
It is desirable that you are graded at your club gradings. If you cannot make the scheduled one, you may have to wait until the next one. It's only 3 months or so. In special circumstances TSKC may be able to arrange for you to attend another club's grading. This will only be approved if you have been training hard and regularly. These may be held in Stevenage or Reading.
DAN Grading dates and Venues can be found on the Events section under Training.
DAN gradings take place at various times throughout the year after a JKA England National or International course - on average there are at least 3 DAN gradings per year. Usually there are two National and two International courses. The former at locations around the UK and the latter are currently held at the K2 Leisure Centre in Crawley.
Karateka can take up to and including 5th DAN in this country. Students grading for Shodan (1st DAN) must pass an Assessment prior to attending the grading. All karateka attempting a DAN grading must have the written permission of the Chief Instructor.
As a candidate to take your Shodan grading, you must have attended at least two National and / or International courses - (the one on the day does not count) - one of which is within 12 months of the Grading date. You must have passed an Assessment; have permission to grade from the Chief Instructor TSKC; there must be at least 6 months since passing your 1st Kyu; take two passport sized photos of yourself on the day of the grading. Your grading form will be partially completed for you. If the grading is for a re-take for kata or kumite, you will be required to produce the previous grading form as proof of taking that grading and provide information for the Examiners so don't lose it!
If you are grading for Nidan and above, you are required to complete the self assessment form also. Those taking Sandan and above must attend all the days of the course they are taking the grading at.
General info
As of 1st January 2010, the new grading fees for DAN grades came into effect together with changes associated with the grading.
1st DAN
Full £40 Second attempt* £35
1st DAN
Full £45
Second attempt* £40
2nd DAN
Full £40 Second attempt* £35
2nd DAN
Full £45
Second attempt* £40
3rd DAN
Full £40 Second attempt* £35
3rd DAN
Full £45
Second attempt* £40
4th DAN
Full £45
Second attempt* £50
4th DAN
5th DAN
Full £45
Second attempt* £50
5th DAN
* For those who take a Dan grading and achieve only a partial pass with permission to take either Kata or Kumite only next time, the new regulation requires that this condition of taking just kata or kumite will apply once only. Therefore if you do not succeed at the following grading, you will have to take the full grading again on the next occasion.
There are also DAN registration fees to be paid on the day should you be successful in passing your grading.
Browse the Frequently Asked Questions below and click for the answer.
You must be in a position to prove that you have attended at least 2 JKAE courses, one within 12 months from the date of the grading. The course on the day of the grading does not count. If you are grading for 3rd DAN or above, you must attend the full course associated with the grading.
At TSKC, it consists of a written exam followed by a practical Assessment of your skills and knowledge. This will give you, as well as the Assessor, an indication as to whether you are up to the required standard to pass your grading. You will receive feedback after the assessment giving you valuable information on what you need to focus on for the forthcoming test. You must pass both the written exam and practical assessment. The pass mark is 60% in both. Should you pass the assessment, it is only valid for the following DAN test which is usually 2 - 4 weeks afterwards. If you do not attend that grading, the validity of the assessment expires and you will need to re-take the assessment for a future grading. The Assessment is also a self assessment and requires you, as the candidate, to confirm what is expected from you when taking your Shodan grading. Should you be unsuccessful, you will receive the assessment back with feedback from the examiners.
This is to ensure the standard and quality of the students is good enough to be able to pass their grading. It is an indicator that you are capable of passing - not that you will. You must pass this assessment before being permitted to attend a Shodan Grading. As of 1st January 2015 there will also be a written part for the Assessment.
Shodan assessments usually take place 2 - 3 weeks before the DAN grading at the Bierton dojo after the regular class. Students are encouraged to attend that class as you will be taken through the DAN grade syllabus.
You will need an Authority to Grade and a DAN Grading form - both of which I will provide partially completed UNLESS you have a re-take, then you will need the previous Grading form and new Authority to Grade form; Current licence and 2 identical passport sized photographs
This will vary depending on which course you attend. See the DAN Grading Fees and Registration Fees on the NEWS page. You will also have Training fees on the day and the cost of your new belt. It'll be around £160 depending on which course you take your grading.
The certificate is sent from Japan. You will receive your certificate from Sensei Ohta at the next appropriate course. If you are unable to attend then your Club Instructor will subsequently present it to you.
Besides the obvious of taking further DAN grades, you are eligible to take Instructor and Referee qualifications as well as becoming an assistant instructor - with a view to running your own club. You will need to be 18yrs+. TSKC will provide all the assistance it can to help you, if you wish to pursue this course of action. Naturally you are free to just continue training.
All JKA England 1st kyu students must undergo an assessment prior to taking their Shodan grading. This is held 2 - 3 weeks before the grading at a TSKC dojo. Please check NEWS and Events sections of the website for dates.
You must pass the both parts of the assessment before you will be given permission to grade. Below is a link with information you may find useful for your shodan assessment.
There is a written exam to take. This will be in the form of a mixture of answer types: True / False; Multiple choice; text answers and a knowledge of Japanese terms will also be expected. All the questions will be based on what a karateka should know to be a Black Belt. The questions will be taken from information that is on this website. Below is a guide to help you.
The exam should take no more than 30 minutes to complete although you can take up to an hour to complete it. You need to score a minimum of 60% to pass.
The practical part of the exam is to determine whether students are up to the required standard. This should give a good indication to the Chief Instructor, that they will have a good chance in passing. It should also ensure the students that they will not embarrass themselves at the grading because they were not ready.
You will be assessed on your Kihon, Kata and Kumite skills. You need to have an overall score of 60% or more to pass. You will receive feedback which you must take on board prior to the grading.
Grading is not too far away from the assessment, so although you may have passed, I guarantee there are still many things you can work on to improve. Remember: Just because you passed the assessment, that doesn't mean you WILL pass your grading! Listen to the feedback you are given and work on those points that need work. Your paperwork will be completed for you but you will need to provide two passport sized photos.
If this is to be a re-take of the grading you will also need to take your previous Grading Record Form with you.
As it was decided that members of TSKC wishing to take their Shodan grading should also take a written exam as well as the mandatory practical assessment, we thought it only right to provide the information that might be used to formulate the questions in the website. To these ends, the exam is based on information that EVERY JKA DAN grade should know. Below is a compilation of information that will assist you in passing the exam and ensure that you become a competent and knowledgeable DAN grade. This is information useful for every karateka.
Dojo's and Training
Use the following links to access other relevant information you may want to research.
The exact position of the blocking arm in Rising Head block is as follows:
Palm facing front
Fist is one fist higher than the elbow
Arm is 1 - 1½ fists away from forehead
Arm is above the head
Elbow is in line with shoulder, hip and knee
Arm is square, not pointing backwards
Straight wrist
The kyodo numbers of a kata relate to the actual count for the kata. You should know the number of moves in each of the Heian katas; Tekki Shodan and Bassai dai together with the numbers of the moves for each Kiai.
Please note the characteristics for the following kata: Heian Sandan - Smooth transition (movement) between different stances Heian Yondan - Demonstrate slow and fast moves with Kime Tekki Shodan - Maintain stable kiba dachi stance throughout and have a flexible upper body
"with the strength of one's body" - being made up of the two Japanese characters Tai (body) and Ryoku (power). We were established on 18th September 1999 at the Bierton dojo which is our Honbu (Headquarters) and since then we started another 8 other regular dojo's and two school dojo's.
Our dojo's are situated all over the County of Buckinghamshire and we also spill over the border into Oxfordshire with our Bicester dojo. As all of the clubs are considered as one club, it doesn't matter which dojo you go to initially, you are permitted to train at any of the regular dojo's. In fact, you are encouraged to train!
We offer regular training five days a week from Tuesdays to Saturdays. Sundays are not redundant either and there are various training opportunities where courses, competitions, seminars and workshops are scheduled in connection with the club or JKA England. We hold our club Kyu gradings on a Saturday. Information regarding our venues; events; training days and times can easily be found on our website.
At Tairyoku Shotokan Karate Club, we teach and practice JKA Shotokan karate, the most original style of karate that's taught professionally and academically. Shotokan karate is known for its linear movements and long, deep stances. Its emphasis is on mastering specific techniques.
The aim of the Japan Karate Association (JKA) which has headquarters in Japan, has members spanning over 100 countries is the promotion of karate and its benefits and values throughout the world.
JKA England is a nationwide organisation for the development, teaching and promotion of authentic JKA karate in England whose Chief Instructor is Yoshinobu OHTA 7th DAN JKA.
Ohta Sensei is a graduate of Takushoku University and has also attended the famous Instructors Classes at JKA Headquarters in Japan. From 1982-2003 Ohta Sensei was the assistant to Keinosuke Enoeda, 9th Dan.
At Tairyoku, it is traditional to recite the Dojo Code at the end of every lesson. This is an old tradition that continues in some of the better known clubs today.
Here is the version the TSKC karate-ka recite:-
Exert oneself in the perfection of character; Be faithful and sincere; Cultivate the spirit of perseverance; Be respectful and courteous; Refrain from impetuous and violent behaviour;
Jinkaku kansei ni tsuto nuru koto.
Pronounciation! Jeenkaku kansay nee / sto muru koto.
English translation: "Seek perfection of character."
Makoto no michi o mamoru koto.
Pronounciation! Mahkoto no meechee o / mahmoru koto.
English translation: "Be faithful."
Do ryoku no seishin o yashinau koto.
Pronounciation! Do ryooku no saysheen o / yashinow koto.
English translation: "Endeavor to excel."
Rei gi o omonzuru koto.
Pronounciation! Ray gi o / omonzuru koto.
English translation: "Respect others."
Kekki no you o imashi muru koto.
Pronounciation! Keh'key no you o / imashimuru koto.
English translation: "Refrain from violent behaviour."
Upon joining a club, membership must be paid promptly.
Each karateka must hold a current licence.
The class fees must be paid for on the day of the lesson.
All jewellery and watches must be removed before training. Jewellery that cannot be removed must be covered.
T-Shirts and vests will not be worn under the gi of male karateka.
Karateka will not practice kumite before or after a lesson without the permission of Sensei or under the supervision of Sensei or his nominee.
Karateka will refrain from running around the Dojo. The club will not tolerate students standing around in little groups, talking or laughing, as this impedes those students who wish to limber up properly.
Any member who does not renew their Membership within one month of expiry, will be taken off the list and their membership of TSKC lapses. They will have to re-apply for membership to TSKC in the usual way which includes a joining fee and will not be allowed to train at a TSKC dojo.
Within one month of attending a club, each new member must apply for a licence.
Each member will be eligible to take a grade, under the discretion of Sensei. There will be no exemptions to these rules. Also to take a grade, one must produce a current licence.
Grades are usually taken every four months provided the previous requirements are met, in that you have trained for 3 months and attended the required 24 lessons.
JKA Karateka also conduct themselves within the wider and more general rules of Karate etiquette. These practical guidelines are for all members and should be considered the same as common courtesy or politeness as in daily life.
On entering the Dojo each student must bow. The same when leaving.
The white Karate Gi must be kept clean and in good condition.
Toenails and fingernails must be kept short and clean.
Every effort must be made to be punctual. If one arrives late they must kneel in front of the class until the Instructor calls them on, then they must take their place quickly in the class.
If someone wants to leave the class they must ask the Instructor first.
When the class is called to order, line up smartly and face the “Shomen” position, i.e. towards the front of the class.
There is a specific order to events prior to and after training. How to line up, how to stand, kneel (seiza), bow etc. All students are carefully instructed in these formalities and should follow them.
No jewellery or rings to be worn in the class. If one cannot remove a ring, then put tape around it.
No chewing, talking, smoking or any offensive behaviour in the Dojo.
"Oss" is a sign of respect and is used generally in karate, especially in the following situations: upon receiving any advice or command from the instructor ; when bowing at the start and finish of the class; in any other appropriate situation, for instance during gradings or competitions.
During any Karate functions, i.e. training, competitions or demonstrations the student must always address this Instructor as "SENSEI" and must comport himself with dignity at all times.
In the event of the Instructor arriving late, the Senior must sign in and take the class, the Senior being the longest serving or the highest grade, and as such, demands the same respect as the "SENSEI".
When visiting another Dojo, proper protocol is to obtain a note of introduction from your Instructor and present that to the Instructor of the Dojo being visited. It is discourteous to attend another Dojo without observing this rule. This is particularly relevant in the event that you are travelling Nationally or overseas.
Train at least twice a week where possible.
Turn your back if you have to adjust your Gi or tie your belt.
Any member arriving late must take up a kneeling position at the back of the Dojo and await permission from the instructor before joining the class at the back. On receiving permission, bow and then join the class.
At the beginning of the lesson, the most senior grade lines up at the front right hand side of the dojo. After lining up, students kneel down together (seiza). Everyone bows to the front and to the instructor (sensei ni rei).
At the end of the lesson, kneel and at the instruction "MOKUSU" shut your eyes and breathe. At the end of the class, students line up and then assume seiza position. There is a brief meditation (mokusu). The guidelines set out in the dojo kun are central to all karate-do training and are meant to apply both inside and outside the dojo. On the instruction "Shomen Ni Rei", bow silently.
On the instruction "Sensei Ni Rei", bow and say "Oss".
On the instruction "Otagai Ni Rei", bow and say "Oss".
Students then stand, one at a time, from right to left, in order of seniority. This should proceed quickly and appear like a wave rolling from right to left.
Students are not allowed to leave the Dojo before the instructor has given permission or left himself.
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Sign up for Direct Debit
Monthly Lesson Fees
You can set yourself up for Direct Debit payments to pay for your monthly lessons. Click the button below and enter your details. Send TSKC an email stating which plan you would like to be put on - Unlimited training per month or Once a week per month - together with how many students to be included in the plan and we will do the rest. Payment is in advance and there are no refunds or part refunds.
We will also add Annual membership fees too so your membership with TSKC will never lapse.
This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized.
This is superscript text and this is subscript text.
This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.
Heading Level 2
Heading Level 3
Heading Level 4
Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6
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i = 0;
while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
print 'Iteration ' + i;
print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';